Wayfaring In The Wild: Taking a break on the second to last day. The Kings Trail delivers views over Áhpparjávri and the surrounding mountains.
Wayfaring In The Wild: The trail goes over sand dunes on the way towards mighty Áhkká.
Wayfaring In The Wild: Gievgessuoloj - a Same settlement seen from the Padjelanta trail.
Wayfaring In The Wild: Looking out over Virihávrre from the Padjelanta trail.
Wayfaring In The Wild: An impressive waterfall of Stáddájåhkå.
Wayfaring In The Wild: Also Bieskehávrre, this time looking southeast.
Wayfaring In The Wild: One of the best views along the hike - Bieskehávrre from the trail on the slope of Suollunåjvve..
Wayfaring In The Wild: A curious moose in Seldutvágge.
Wayfaring In The Wild: Ominous skies over Ertektjåhkkå and Svájppá.
Wayfaring In The Wild: Wide mires north of Jänsmässholmen.
Wayfaring In The Wild: Heading towards Vålådalen.
Wayfaring In The Wild: The red rocks which have given the name to this mountain.
Wayfaring In The Wild: Rödfjäll cabin
Wayfaring In The Wild: On the way to Slipsik cabin, looking back towards Durrenskalet.
Wayfaring In The Wild: Cool shapes in the lake below Klimpfjäll.
Wayfaring In The Wild: Durrenskalet appears out of the clouds.
Wayfaring In The Wild: Åtnik cabin
Wayfaring In The Wild: Åtnik cabin is somewhere past the twin lakes.
Wayfaring In The Wild: First time I meet sheep in the Swedish mountains.
Wayfaring In The Wild: Hiking along Aamere. The lake on the left is Skalvattnet.
Wayfaring In The Wild: View towards Norway above Skalvattnet which is behind me.
Wayfaring In The Wild: Looking back towards Arevattnet after a very heavy ascent.
Wayfaring In The Wild: Södra Storjället, a winter trail marker waiting to be placed.
Wayfaring In The Wild: Misty and almost geothermal looking at Södra Storfjället.
Wayfaring In The Wild: Interesting bridge across Jovattsån.
Wayfaring In The Wild: Jofjället and the lake Aejliesjaevrie.