Wayfaring In The Wild: Panorama over the entrance to the Lunndörr pass.
Wayfaring In The Wild: Tossåsen - The mountains we're heading for in the background.
Wayfaring In The Wild: Our friendly, and currently overheated maskot.
Wayfaring In The Wild: Lunndörren mountains.
Wayfaring In The Wild: Lunndörren pass up ahead. It is a lot colder here compared to where we started the day.
Wayfaring In The Wild: Reindeers near our camp spot.
Wayfaring In The Wild: View towards Lunndörren pass.
Wayfaring In The Wild: Our camp spot with a view towards tomorrows climb.
Wayfaring In The Wild: Enjoying the scenery and the weather.
Wayfaring In The Wild: View towards Lunndörren pass.
Wayfaring In The Wild: Going up next to that snowfield.
Wayfaring In The Wild: How insignificant we are.
Wayfaring In The Wild: Getting high up now.
Wayfaring In The Wild: Getting the tent out for cover during lunch.
Wayfaring In The Wild: Lillådörren
Wayfaring In The Wild: Lill-Lunndörren pass
Wayfaring In The Wild: Lill-Lunndörren
Wayfaring In The Wild: Steep side of Nörder-Storådörr mountain.
Wayfaring In The Wild: View back towards Lill-Lunndörren pass.
Wayfaring In The Wild: Lunndörren pass where we hiked through yesterday.
Wayfaring In The Wild: Camp spot for the night close to the Lunndörr river. Good times before the rain arrived.
Wayfaring In The Wild: Last nights camp spot was on the sandy shelf on the other side of the river.
Wayfaring In The Wild: Lunndörren Day 1
Wayfaring In The Wild: Lunndörren Day 2
Wayfaring In The Wild: Lunndörren Day 3