Wayfaring In The Wild: The open fell towards Norway with the peaks of Sölen nearly 50 km away
Wayfaring In The Wild: Peaks from left to right: Storvätteshågna, Fosksjökläpparna and Jakobshöjden
Wayfaring In The Wild: Reindeer on Hävlingskläppen.
Wayfaring In The Wild: Lakes from left to right: Nedre Grötsjön, Klacken and Hävlingen
Wayfaring In The Wild: Ljungpipare - European golden plover at Grötvallsjön
Wayfaring In The Wild: A reindeer family
Wayfaring In The Wild: A Same checking the fence together with his dog
Wayfaring In The Wild: Renlav - Reindeer lichen
Wayfaring In The Wild: The river Grötån from Högpiken
Wayfaring In The Wild: Awesome view over Grötån and Femundsmarka National Park in Norway
Wayfaring In The Wild: A beautiful old forest snag with Wolf lichen growing on it
Wayfaring In The Wild: The nights campsite with Våndsjögusten on the other side of the lake
Wayfaring In The Wild: Varglav - The poisonous Wolf lichen
Wayfaring In The Wild: Stor-Våndsjön with Hävlingen just below the horison
Wayfaring In The Wild: The border between Norway and Sweden
Wayfaring In The Wild: Stor-Våndsjön taken from border cairn 144
Wayfaring In The Wild: View over Stor-Våndsjön from border cairn 144 with Stor-Svuku in the background
Wayfaring In The Wild: Border cairn nr 144 the northern most point of the county Dalarna in Sweden
Wayfaring In The Wild: Cabin in Norway by the lake of Stor-Våndsjön
Wayfaring In The Wild: Grötån as it runs through the open mountain forest.
Wayfaring In The Wild: River Grötån and a bridge along the trail
Wayfaring In The Wild: Högpiken from the valley floor below
Wayfaring In The Wild: View over the valley between Sylvola and Gröthogna
Wayfaring In The Wild: Grövelsjön with Sjöhöjden and Salsfjället on the opposite side
Wayfaring In The Wild: Lake Grövelsjön with Jakobshöjden on the left
Wayfaring In The Wild: Grövelsjöns Fjällstation