Grateful for sand between my toes, cold water on my feet and salt mist in my hair! Grateful for month long reminders to be grateful every day! Thank you "hello there friend" for making November a month of gratitude.
Grateful for sweet cheats!
Grateful for stormy skies. I can certainly feel like this on some days. I still have a light inside but there can be parts of me that can feel unsettled and turbulent. I am reminded t let the bright light win out.
Grateful for the mixture of old and new! I try to incorporate this into my daily life... old learnings/new teachings, old traditions/new offerings, grandma's cooking/new healthy eating. It's all a balance!
Grateful to live on the water and for Christmas lights on the bay! This time of year I find myself more and more not wanting to be in the hustle and bustle but instead longing for these quiet moments of night time walks and ripples of light on water.
Thankful for castles and fairy tales and dreams that come true.
Thanksful for harvest and future bottles of wine.
Grateful that my puppy sometimes makes it difficult to work!
Grateful for new spaces in old places! I love the stories of old buildings and when people give them new life versus tearing down and starting over.
Appreciative that nature reminds me that you can be twisted and crooked and still beautiful.
Grateful for new life and growing families that make my heart grow three sizes!
Grateful for this place that is my home away from home. The beauty and details still can catch me by surprise.
Grateful that even if the future is uncertain, I can control my spirit today.
Sometimes the future is blurry but we can have clarity during these times. Grateful for reminders today to draw on what you can control and to wipe "what if" out of our vocabulary.
Even though the future may seem unclear. I am grateful for reminders today that people can't make us feel a certain way without our permission. I choose to stay positive.
Regardless of the outcome, I am proud to be an American and grateful for the amazing country that I get to call home! No where else I'd want to be.
I love when kids can still be kids and not caught up in being someone different. Grateful for these glimpses into playfulness and unfiltered joy.
As the Tiny Buddha reminded me today... "Cut yourself some slack. You're doing better than you think." I am fully breathing that in today and am grateful for these gentle reminders.
I find myself drawn to the ocean. It restores my energy. Each breath transforms to waves within my soul. The sea air provides me with clarity and the vastness gives me strength. As I walk away my chest is lifted and I am connected to something bigger.
Grateful for the ability to exhale as the sun sets and prepares for a new day.
Grateful for the ability to exhale as the sun rests and prepares for a new day.
Thankful for the bounties... and cooler weather... of fall! I also love we now have more than orange pumpkins to play with. #hellotherefriend #30daysofgratitude
Grateful for puppies that like to chew on bones and not shoes! #novembergratitudechallenge #hellotherefriend