jacopo.batisti: Falassarna
jacopo.batisti: rio secreto
Gaetan Bois: Canada - Québec - Petit Saguenay
Gaetan Bois: Canada - Québec - Stukely Lake at sunrise
Gaetan Bois: Canada - Québec - Parc du Mont-Orford
Gaetan Bois: Croatia - Kastel Stari at Sunset
Gaetan Bois: Canada - Québec - Parc du Mont-Orford
Christoph Fischer: After the Rain
Christoph Fischer: Against All Odds
Christoph Fischer: Frozen in Motion
Christoph Fischer: Highly Effective Tips for Photographing Mountains!
Christoph Fischer: The Beauty of Ice
Márton Botond: Breitenstein, Austria
Márton Botond: Budapest, Hungary
der_birder: Kleiber ( Sitta europaea ) Nuthatch
der_birder: Eisvogel ( Alcedo atthis ) Kingfisher
der_birder: Wiedehopf ( Upupa epops ) Hoopoe
der_birder: Austernfischer ( Haematropus ostralegus ) Eurasian Oystercatcher
der_birder: Haubentaucher ( Podiceps cristatus ) Great-crested-Grebe
der_birder: Bekassine ( Gallinago gallinago ) Common-snipe
der_birder: Weißstorch ( Ciconia ciconia ) White-stork
der_birder: Kranich ( Grus grus ) Common Crane
der_birder: Schilfrohrsänger ( Acrocephalus schoenobaenus ) Sedge warbler
der_birder: End of the day
der_birder: Eisvogel ( Alcedo atthis ) Kingfisher
der_birder: Eisvogel ( Alcedo atthis ) Kingfisher
der_birder: Eisvogel ( Alcedo atthis ) Kingfisher