scope112: Spider on leaf
scope112: My dog
scope112: Pigeon
scope112: Fuji X100 and EF42 flash
scope112: Love
scope112: Silhouette of a photographer
scope112: Sunshine and flowers
scope112: Shadow play
scope112: DSCF5161
scope112: Abandoned tram at night
scope112: Hooded figure
scope112: Abandoned tram depot
scope112: Hooded figure
scope112: Abandoned tram depot
scope112: Derelict glass ceiling
scope112: Snake Eater
scope112: Metal Gear Solid - Solid Snake
scope112: Snake
scope112: Little girl and puppy
scope112: A treat for my dog
scope112: Ant with dinner (a giant flake of pastry!)
scope112: The light outside
scope112: The Fuji X100
scope112: The Soul of the Samurai
scope112: Temptation
scope112: Rainbow Lorrikeet - Watercolour
scope112: Cool dog
scope112: I hate bath time!
scope112: JP, the Darling Harbour street performer