oscar.martini_51: un momento suggestivo della rappresentazione del presepe di Matera.
oscar.martini_51: tramonto sui sassi di Matera Basilicata Italia.
oscar.martini_51: colori e luci su Matera
markwilkins64: Sheltering from the wind and snow....
markwilkins64: Worthing Pier....
markwilkins64: Double poke in the eye....
Laurent Simon: Puerto de la Cruz, le jardin botanique
Laurent Simon: Playa Jardin, fin de journée
Laurent Simon: Marie-Lou
Laurent Simon: Maison à Peratallada
barbara_donders: The Colors of Nature
barbara_donders: Spring is in the Air
barbara_donders: Sunshine and a little Pink
barbara_donders: Precious Pink
barbara_donders: Art by Nature
barbara_donders: Divine Perfection
Jerry Burchfield: A great year for the Reds
Jerry Burchfield: Hobo morning
Pat=H: Du côté de chez moi
Claudine Daemen: Seychelles, Bird Island
Claudine Daemen: South Africa
Claudine Daemen: Chile 2011
damien.campana: Calellongue et son petit port de pêche Marseille France ☀️🐠