orchid dude: Flop House!
orchid dude: The Garden Conservancy, Los Angeles, CA Open Day
orchid dude: In my Intermediate Greenhouse 5-23-15
rosidae: Dumplings ready for the pan. #chinesenewyear #momo #goldingots @styggiti @ella_and_louie @creori @amelitagirl @matchoosan @staceyisaac @kimberlyhahnart @saltmound @sbkayaker thanks for celebrating with me!
rosidae: Chinese New Year #dumplings look like gold ingots. May the year bring prosperity and good luck. #Momo @styggiti
paphioman: Paph. helenae
andy thanh nguyen orchids: Schombolaelia summit 'Tomiko' 18A
je@n m@rc: IMG_0226
paphioman: Paph. hangianum
Brigitte0102: Mystacidium pusillum
disanuts: Coryanthes macrocorys ' Baker's Goliath'
orchid dude: Hello from my Valencia orange tree!
orchid dude: Double up on chilly mornings..
Mikaels orchids: Pleurothallis dodii
alexandre_limberger: Sc. Beaufort 'Big Circle'
mini-catts: Slc. Richard Stone ‘z’
Ramsis'07: Pleione Volcanello Song Thrust
voorchid: Den. Spieciosum.
rog2046: Cattleya violacea fm. flamea "Icabaru"
S Paph: Bulbophyllum pectinatum
Eerika Schulz: Echinopsis ferox (Lobivia backebergiana)
salabat: May 31 2021 Seabass
JVinOZ: Epidendrum marmoratum 2005-12-08 01
salabat: Laelia sincorana alba ‘white star’
Estela027: Feline. Hand painted sea stone. Rockpainting.
Estela027: Woodworm crafting.
Estela027: Sea glass abstract.
Estela027: Beautiful door design.