roΙΙi: Mech Monday #39: Skærbæk Pen Pals – Alt-Build-Challenge
AzureBrick: Good Morning Moneypenny.
Legopard: The Upside Down
djokson: Halgvozd the Purifier
vitreolum: Great Balls of Fire
Marin Stipkovic: Mech Monday #14: Xan Kriegor
vitreolum: FU Lab
LEGO 7: Lonely Polar Bear
Marin Stipkovic: Mech Monday #4: 4L-22P Mining Mech
roΙΙi: Mech Monday #4: Delivery Drone
timofey_tkachev: Смак
Legopard: The Monster Nian
paddybricksplitter: Don't Pick The Flowers
Legopard: Why Spiders?
Legopard: On the Edge of the Forbidden Forest
roΙΙi: Drunk Driving
Eero Okkonen: Circle
Eero Okkonen: Circle
roΙΙi: Filia's Bakery
vitreolum: Squall Cosplay
Legopard: Jonny's Truck
roΙΙi: Of Sails and Spires – Summer Joust Prize, Vignette Category
vitreolum: Zuni Fetish Doll
Eero Okkonen: New Century City Block I part III
roΙΙi: The Race to Mount Everest
Malin Kylinger: The Legend of Anendra
Eero Okkonen: New Century City Block II
roΙΙi: Of Rust and Gasoline
Jason & Michelle: Rocket - Front