Femaletoecurllover: 201603210015
Stefan Barefoot: starting the day with perfectly clean soles, the shopping day, partly under rainy conditions, turned them back into charcoal black over & over messy feet! Added a toering to please them - lately on the car park
Stefan Barefoot: starting the day with perfectly clean soles, the shopping day, partly under rainy conditions, turned them back into charcoal black over & over messy feet! Added a toering to please them
fitzdent: A2F03E68-E876-4B7A-B1B8-17930A5F409A
Stefan Barefoot: harsh conditions stained soles
Rayray150: Holly
joeran345: 20191104_133618(0)
Tony Swain: Jelitza
fitzdent: IMG_E3934
fitzdent: IMG_E3936
fitzdent: IMG_E6029
fitzdent: IMG_E5376
fitzdent: IMG_E9067
fitzdent: IMG_E2854
fitzdent: IMG_E9038
fitzdent: IMG_8359
fitzdent: IMG_E3705
fitzdent: IMG_E5238
whiteshark5000: India feet
fitzdent: 08DC368B-14A3-41C5-B118-31722C2E9DB7
fitzdent: 909E7BAE-563B-4ADC-8F0F-C6BE17A0A6CC
fitzdent: FEFB50A2-E707-46B9-AF2F-774182A76C89
fitzdent: 50D3C671-FD5E-453B-9700-C9AADE0175F4
maswayn1: Wife’s dirty soles