AstroKane: M33 4 hours data
AstroKane: 2 hours Pleiades
AstroKane: 20 mins Orion
AstroKane: M33 - 1 hour data test
AstroKane: Cocoon Nebula - 4 hours re-process
AstroKane: Thunder 9
AstroKane: Thunder 8
AstroKane: Thunder 7
AstroKane: Thunder 6
AstroKane: Thunder 5
AstroKane: Thunder 4
AstroKane: Thunder 3
AstroKane: Thunder 2
AstroKane: Thunder 1
AstroKane: M51 Test - 59 minutes, no calibration frames
AstroKane: Cocoon test
AstroKane: Andromeda Galaxy (M31) Re-process
AstroKane: M27 widefield - Re-process
AstroKane: M27 Dumbbell Nebula - Cropped, re-process
AstroKane: Vega 2.9.2018
AstroKane: Vega - Cropped Image 2.9.2018
AstroKane: M31 - 6 hours of data
AstroKane: M31 - Dust Lanes
AstroKane: Orion Nebula - Nebulosity
AstroKane: M42 - Orion Nebula (reprocess)
AstroKane: M31 First attempt with ED80 17.8.18
AstroKane: M27 Dumbbell Nebula
AstroKane: Skye Ellen Ridley
AstroKane: The Crescent Nebula (NGC 6888) 14.7.2018
AstroKane: First Light - M51