txema.linazasoro: Marimen and Adrià. Menorca 1985
明遊快: Unmanned train station
明遊快: Gucci Baby Girl
Getting Grainier: Delta 3200 portrait/Nikon F100
bluechromis1: Tilikum Sunset
frédéricbordas: Pluie torrentielle à New York, été 2006.
Northwoods Apparition: Chicago Sidewalk Reflections after Rain-Michigan Ave.
yaroslavavdeev: 0033_###
Johnny Martyr: StephSmileNolaM6VoigtDelta_362
chrism229: Pippa 2019 #17
johnlishamer.com: The Doublewide
pfh2010: Grainy rock 'n' roll
fotoswietokrzyskie: Winter ribbons
hubert Prometeo: Before the shipwreck
明遊快: How did he come to Kyoto?
MoarPixels: Kodak Retina IIIc
Paul Reinhold: Oly 35 SP / Vision500T in ECN-2
burnt dirt: Tokyo 2019
明遊快: I also like a rainy day
Timothy Lewis Jr.: Cafe Music, Berkeley, CA
bri— hefele: in a fuzzy field.
Troll239: Alina
Luke H: sun_between_buildings