rldrummond: Golden-headed Cisticola - Bryans Swamps, Victoria
aiglonne: Mésange à longue queue - Aegithalos caudatus - Long-tailed Tit
Wim Boon Fotografie: Bird In Flight - Black-Tailed Godwit
Geoff Newhouse Photography: May 20, 2022.jpg
JensLPZ: Two in love: Wiedehopf (Upupa epops) - Eurasian hoopoe · · · (R5B_9301)
davidrochester1: Little Owl
rosemaryharrisnaturephotography: American Pipit - Explored.
renzodionigi: Spotted Redshank: Tringa erythropus (Explored)
torstenboll: 2018-04-21-IMG_0199.jpg
krzysztof_browko: Church...
Jim Cumming: Loon with 2 chicks
Jim Cumming: Common loon (Explored)
Phil Gower Bird Photography: Hoopoe with Lunch
xatnep21: You have my Trust and Loyalty -- 0258
Dave 2x: White-faced Heron (Egretta novaehollandiae)
Thy Photography: Common Merganser family
naturephotography.ladurner: Happy new year dear Flickr friends!!!
Daniel.Pettersson: Ashy-headed Goose | gråhuvad gås | Chloephaga poliocephala
BBC Springwatch: Grey Heron
Adam Blyth: Far Eastern Curlew
olivier teilhard: Tichodrome échelette - Tichodroma muraria - Wallcreeper
davie ch: _DSC7477-Edit
Phil Gower Bird Photography: Red-footed Falcon
Maryse Hébert: Grand Chevalier (Explore)
DB-Naturfotografie: Spiders web II
ToriAndrewsPhotography: Drinking Zebras
Geoff Newhouse Photography: November 02, 2018.jpg
Jay Packer: Collared Nightjar