hoppyjov: jhopkins-week-52-celebration-birthday-balloons
ellynfinkelstein: Week 52 - Celebration-New Year!
barbara.mccahill: Week 52-Celebration-Life is Good-1
Merrill Heit: Week 52 - Celebration- A Hell of A Year
BobG22012: Week 52-Selfie-Antique-Bob Guido
clydephotoman: week 9 - tiny berries
clydephotoman: week 9 - tiny - budding
mariannewillmott: week25 pets-Piper too!
ellynfinkelstein: Week- 25 Pets- Woof!
ellynfinkelstein: Week - 25 Pets - Love the Ladies!
PhotoMaryR: windows-PhotoMary
PhotoMaryR: VEG-STAND-Windows-PhotoMary
hoppyjov: jhopkins-week-31--insects--dragonfly
BobG22012: Week 39-Architecture-Gotham Abstract-Bob Guido
clydephotoman: week 40 -- C -- Clematis almost done
jkbodkin: week 46 - metallic- inside the piggy bank
barbara.mccahill: Week-46 Metallic-Glittery metallic decorations-1
BobG22012: Week 51-Street Scene-West 34th St-Bob Guido
clydephotoman: week 51 - street scenes - radio city
clydephotoman: week 51 - street scene - red balls
clydephotoman: week 51 - street scenes - homeless
hoppyjov: jhopkins-week-51-street-scene-Northport holiday lights
bobbieturtle: week 51-model street scene
bobbieturtle: Snowflake card
jkbodkin: week 50 candle light ornament
photos by dee: week 50-candlelight-soft glow
hoppyjov: jhopkins-week-50-candlelight-holiday-warmth
clydephotoman: week 50 - candle light - gentle
bobbieturtle: Week 50 - lighting-the-first-candle
Merrill Heit: Week 48 -Thankful - Now More Than Ever