ianbartlett: 2945.365-22 Oh no it's not.
ianbartlett: Shell Ducks
ianbartlett: Peregrine Falcon
ianbartlett: Peregrine Falcon 2
ianbartlett: Peregrine Falcon 1
ianbartlett: Great White Egrets
ianbartlett: Fox taking to the reeds
ianbartlett: Fox on the run
ianbartlett: Buzzard
ianbartlett: Buzzard surveying the marsh
ianbartlett: 2944.365-021 Peregrine Falcon
ianbartlett: 2943.365-020 IR Neighbourhood.
ianbartlett: White Fallow Pricket and two others.
ianbartlett: Fallow Fawn behind the fence.
ianbartlett: Fallow Buck taking it easy.
ianbartlett: Fallow Buck silhouette
ianbartlett: 2942.365-019 Nuthatch with breakfast.
ianbartlett: 2941.365-018 Lines into the Mist
ianbartlett: 2940.365-017 My Head
ianbartlett: Swooping Kestrel
ianbartlett: Skyline woodland.
ianbartlett: Shortie through the bushes
ianbartlett: Short-eared Owl.
ianbartlett: Short-eared Owl perched.
ianbartlett: Short-eared Owl looking up.
ianbartlett: Short-eared Owl 4
ianbartlett: Short-eared Owl 3
ianbartlett: Short-eared Owl 2
ianbartlett: Short-eared Owl 1