Thomas SAP: Pferd Konik
It's all about the light...: Eisvogel / Kingfisher Der Herbst klopft an die Tür
lapirola: Hornisse
schueren1938: Damhirsch...
Thy Photography: Meet the Northern Pygmy Owl! ✨ die etwas andere Drossel Sumpfmeise Wer steht denn da?
der_birder: Basstölpel
It's all about the light...: Rohrammer ♀ / Common Reed Bunting ♀
Thomas SAP: Bergfinken
Lele-hh: Sanderling
Lele-hh: Kiebitzregenpfeifer - Grey Plover
Lele-hh: Knutt - Knot
Lele-hh: Hamburg
Lele-hh: Kiebitze - Lapwings
Lele-hh: Löffelente - Northern Shoveler
Lele-hh: Brachvögel - Curlews
Lele-hh: Pfeifenten - Wigeons
Lele-hh: Herbst - Autumn
Lele-hh: Landeanflug - Ready for langing
Andrelo2014: Arcyria denudata | scale 5:1
Andrelo2014: Physarum album
RGaenssler: Quarrel with the Mallards
Jan Rothe: Springtime memories
Jan Rothe: Common Crane
adrianbott: Snow bunting
Christian Sanchez Photography: Dark chanting goshawk
creaturesnapper: Eurasian Jay --- Garrulus glandarius