KrancNatal: The Chief R&B
KrancNatal: a-13 copycat 2
KrancNatal: A-13 Copycat 1
KrancNatal: The Binders
KrancNatal: A-12 Slow
KrancNatal: Night Play
KrancNatal: A-12 Fast
KrancNatal: A11- Hard
KrancNatal: 2016-10-21_09-41-12
KrancNatal: 2016-10-16_11-15-24
KrancNatal: A-6 fill card
KrancNatal: A-6 Mirror
KrancNatal: A-5 one
KrancNatal: A-5 many
KrancNatal: Pencil
KrancNatal: A-4 Order
KrancNatal: A-3 Color
KrancNatal: A-3 Black & White
KrancNatal: Podcast microphone
KrancNatal: Parents flowers
KrancNatal: A-2 Square
KrancNatal: A-2 Round
KrancNatal: A-1 Tripod Here is the tripod I plan on using for the class. I was trying to get a good low angle with the grass. I was unable to get some grass out of focus in the foreground. I do like that I was able to get it looking like a tower.
KrancNatal: A-1 This is a picture of myself I took at a friends' by their bookshelf. Not a very big fan of this picture as I don't like photos of myself. The books in the background are more of what I like about this picture but definitely could use more depth or a