Paul Ewing: "Gap in the Fabric of the Universe" --title by Bill Smith and image dedicated to him
Paul Ewing: "Cartographic Accident"
socialsquad: Aeronautics: NASA’s First ‘A’ via NASA
Rita Rojas - I have AMD and my Eys are not to good: 2018-09-26 Happy Birthday Tio Luis -
joebuchel3: 2018-09-26_05-12-08
cftc10: Toad_Frog
cftc10: WaterTravel
cftc10: snoozingseaotterbobwinfreenpsphoto
Paul Ewing: "Baba Yaga's Hut After Dali"
Paul Ewing: "Engine of Deconstruction"
Paul Ewing: "Under Construction"
joebuchel3: Gallarus Oratory,..Ireland
socialsquad: Astronaut Michael Lopez-Alegria Works on Constructing the International Space Station via NASA
Rita Rojas - I have AMD and my Eys are not to good: 2018-09-17 - Lot of food on here, on my Leaf -
Rita Rojas - I have AMD and my Eys are not to good: 2018-09-17 - Doing what Girls like to do -
Rita Rojas - I have AMD and my Eys are not to good: 2018-09-17 - Garter Snake Ontario Algonquin Park
Paul Ewing: IMG_7220
Paul Ewing: IMG_7221
Paul Ewing: IMG_7212 (2)
Paul Ewing: "Triangulation Madness"
Paul Ewing: "Triangulation Madness"
Jotomo62: Calle Tipica en el Albaicin
Rita Rojas - I have AMD and my Eys are not to good: 2018-09-25 - At the Pond, no one Bird here -
Rita Rojas - I have AMD and my Eys are not to good: 2018-09-25 - Got another one - Blue Heron fishing. -
Rita Rojas - I have AMD and my Eys are not to good: 2018-09-17 - Beautiful Algonquin Park Ontario - Two Moose -
Jotomo62: Muela de Montalviche o Muela Grande
joebuchel3: 2018-09-26_11-19-35
socialsquad: Opportunity Emerges in a Dusty Picture via NASA