roro1362: When the water goes up, the boat does the same. Lorsque l'eau monte, le bateau fait de même
roro1362: Life scene
roro1362: Easy take, it's in Santorini
roro1362: India always changes people. L'Inde change toujours les gens
roro1362: We always draw elephants smaller than nature. on dessine toujours les éléphants plus petits que nature
roro1362: We're only joining hands if they re empty. On ne joint bien les mains que si elles sont vides.
roro1362: Hi, it's me
roro1362: Together
roro1362: On the Hook
roro1362: Opposite eyes
roro1362: "a gaze is in any country a language.
roro1362: On the rails
roro1362: Minimalist
roro1362: On a platter
roro1362: Run the city
roro1362: On the other side
roro1362: Four planks
roro1362: Just Cross
roro1362: one and only
roro1362: At the end of the rope au bout de la corde
roro1362: Ceux qui vont dans la même pirogue ont les mêmes désirs Those who go to the same pirogue have the same desires
roro1362: The writer
roro1362: I'm leaning, so I m
roro1362: Camouflage
roro1362: No way out
roro1362: Silence
roro1362: Running to not precipitate
roro1362: belief
roro1362: Tree in the sense
roro1362: The path