柳澤美都子: Words in steel
柳澤美都子: PICT8437
柳澤美都子: PICT9083
柳澤美都子: PICT8809
Tattyunboy: for you...
Tattyunboy: Moment*
Tattyunboy: 忍者-Ninja-
Tattyunboy: 宇宙
Tattyunboy: 薔薇色
Tattyunboy: 昼想夜夢
Tattyunboy: 白シャツボーイズ
Tattyunboy: 海風
sigitpriyono: _DSC0232e
DextDee: Imperfectly perfect
Markus Koscielny: Hyperspeed
DextDee: Rest Your head
sigitpriyono: _DSC0267e-
thanks 4 comments and faves.: CLICK..or its gone forever...sunrise
Markus Koscielny: Write typer
Markus Koscielny: Shadows whispering words of autumn.
Noelia.vj Fotografía: Hasta el infinito...
Mrigank Gupta: DSC00076-1