V A N D E E: Shadow Grid
Mike Slade.: Siskin (m)
www.neilporterphotography.com: Spoonbills photo bombed!
Lorne_K: Redpoll
OMD1X: Exminster Marshes
Mike Slade.: Siskin (m)
mitchells12: AK7I5226
Mike Slade.: Pied Wagtail
anthonynixon17: Great Spotted Woodpecker.
RICHARD STONE NATURE LAND: untitled (52 of 63)-Edit-Edit.jpg
ChrisBur506: Stover
Mike Slade.: Lazy Day
Rupert stockwin: Strange shadows
Margaret S.S: May I help you..
Dale Harding: Whitethroat (Curruca communis)
Iand49 (Instagram @iand.49): Striding Edge and Red Tarn, Helvellyn (EXPLORED)
Carlos Santos - Alapraia: Gotas de água em CD (CD with Water droplets)
Jean-François Hic: American Kestrel - Falco sparverius
antoinebouyer: Il va bientôt faire nuit
Paul_A_Crabtree: Redpoll (Acanthis flammea
Christoph Fischer: Against All Odds
ChrisBur506: untitled shoot-09463
Rupert stockwin: Shebbear rainbow
Obscure Jude: The Cruise Ships