Aaron Brick Designer:
Sauron Video
Ketupat lebaran. *Ketupat (Indonesian/Malay): kupat (Javanese/Sundanese): Tipat (Balines) is a type of dumpling made from rice packed inside a diamond-shape container of woven palm leaf pouch. Typically served as the day of Eid Mubarak.
Featured Tutorial: Oirad72's Shovel Roof
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Teabox (henrik_zwomp):
The Eagle's Nest
Legonardo Davidy:
I built something!
Proudspire Manor: Build Log
Lascaux, the true story - L'autre histoire de Lascaux
František Hajdekr:
WINNER 7045 (Cross Country Motorcycle - Assembly Instructions)
The Winged Tiger Rider
Chibi pick up - ( mini cooper altrernative build )
Hacim Bricks:
Gateway of the Squid
W. Navarre:
Fire From Above; K-1917
W. Navarre:
Fire From Above; K-1917
Dwynnburg Keep I
Henrik Hoexbroe:
Brother Steven:
Farwin Castle
Brother Steven:
Aldingham Keep
Brother Steven:
Aldingham Keep