Ray Jennings AU:
Autumn's Last Gasp
Duane Davenport:
Supermoon hiding over Rio Grande
U.S. 40-U.S. 61 East at U.S. 67, Lindbergh Blvd. November 1990
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The Perspective
Duane Davenport:
Mt Shasta
Chisim Trail Waterfall-01118.jpg
Wei, Willa:
Milford Sound
200 umbrellas It has been created by Liverpool-based ADHD Foundation, which is celebrating its tenth anniversary as a charity this year.
Wei, Willa:
Milford Sound Sunset
Mitch Tillison Photography:
Lascivious Lark at the Hilton Gardens
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Lonely Station
Rick Whitacre:
Four Hours - Four Meteors
Tequila Sunrise
Juanjo Vélez de Elburgo:
Rick Whitacre:
Milky Way and Windmill
Wei, Willa:
Way to Mt. Whitney
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The Extra Terrestrial - the Magic is here!!!
*Capture the Moment* thx for over 50 mil views:
The Glow I - Hongkong 14/188
Thierry Hudsyn:
Ze Défense
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Living on higher Ground 6/188
Ray Jennings AU:
The Watchman
*Capture the Moment* thx for over 50 mil views:
Is Your Sky full of Stars?
Wei, Willa:
Solitude’s repose
Wei, Willa:
Sunrise at Tunnel View