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albums of Franck Zumella
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Portraits of insects
BiF / OeV
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Astrophoto / Astrophoto
In the sky / Dans le ciel
Nature / Nature
Flowers / Fleurs
cuckoo wasp - Chrysis ignita - Chryside Enflammée - guepe coucou
Cerceris arenaria
marmalade hoverfly - syrphe ceinturé
great banded furrow-bee - halicte de la scabieuse
Pine processionary / Chenille porcessionnaire
Insect / Insecte
Crab Spider / Araignée Crabe
Bombylius Major / Grand Bombyle
scorpion-fly / mouche scorpion
Bee / Abeille
Wasp - Guepe
Volucella Zonaria
European Ornet / Frelon Europeen
yellow-legged hornet or asian hornet / Frelon asiatique
Butterfly / Papillon
hummingbird hawk moth / Sphynx colibri
Bug / Punaise
lady Beetle - Coccinelle
cockchafer / hanneton
Damselfly / Demoiselle
Dragonfly / Libellule
Calopteryx Splendens
cricket / criquet
Golden Crowned Kinglet / Goldcrest / Roitelet huppé
Firecrest / roitelet triple bandeau
Wren / Troglodyte
Flycatcher / Gobemouche
Stonechat - Tarier Patre
Chiffchaff / Pouillot
long tailed tit / mesange a longue queue
Marsh tit / Mésange Nonnette
Coal tit - black-capped chickadee / mesange noire
Crested tit / Mesange huppee
Blue Tit / Mesange bleue
Great tit / mesange charbonniere
Chaffinch / Pinson
Linnet / Linotte Melodieuse
Black Redstart / Rouge Queue
Greenfinch / Verdier
European robin / Rouge gorge
Tree creeper / Grimpereau
Nuthatch / Sittelle
Goldfinch / Chardonneret élégant
Sparrow / Moineau
Meadow pipit - pipit farlouse - Anthus pratensis
Dunnock / Accenteur Mouchet
European Serin - Serin Cini
Melodious Warbler - Hypolais polyglotte (Fauvette)
Whitethroat - Fauvette Grisette
Blackcap / Fauvette a Tete Noire
Starling / Etourneau sansonnet
White wagtail / Bergeronnette Grise
Grey Wagtail / Bergeronnette des ruisseaux
Kingfisher / Martin Pecheur
Little grebe / Grebe castagneux
Blackbird / Merle
redwing / Grive Mauvis
Mistle Thrush / Grive Draine
Collared-Dove / Tourterelle Turque
Stock Dove / Pigeon Colombin
Common Pigeon / Pigeon de Biset
Wood Pigeon / Pigeon Ramier
Common Sandpiper / Chevalier Guignette
Common Krestrel - Faucon Crecerelle
Rose ringed parakeet / Perruche à collier
Lesser Spotted Woodpecker - Pic épeichette - Dryobates minor
Middle Spotted Woodpecker - Pic Mar
great-spotted woodpecker / Pic Epeiche
Woodpecker / Pic Vert
Black woodpecker / Pic noir
Jay / Geai
Magpie / Pie
Crow / Corneille
Seagull / Mouette
Tern / Stern
Herring Gull / Goéland Argenté
Lesser Blanck-Wacked Gull / Goeland Brun
Coot & Moorhen / Foulque & Poule d'eau
Tufted Duck / Fuligule Morillon
Northern Shoveler - Canard souchet
Gadwall - Canard Chipeau
Bahama pintail / canard des Bahamas
Wood Duck / Canard Carolin
Mandarin Duck / Canard Mandarin
White Duck / Canard Blanc
Duck / Canard
Black Indian Runner Duck / Coureur Indien Noir
Crested grebe / Grebe huppe
Cormorant / Cormoran
Bar- Headed Goose / Oie a tete barree
Goose / Oie
Crane / Grue
Great egret - Grande Aigrette - Ardea alba
Great blue Heron / Heron
Black Swan / Cygne Noir
Mute Swan / Cygne Tuberculé
Peacock / Paon
Slug / Limace
Snail / Escargot
Lizard / Lezard
Frog / Grenouille
Grass snake / Couleuvre
Chinese stripe-necked Turtle / Tortue chinoise à col rayé
Turtle / Tortue
Chelydra serpentina / Tortue Serpentine
Rat / Rat
Squirrel / Ecureuil
Rabit / Lapin
Coypu Nutria / Ragondin
Fox / Renard
Zoo / Zoo
Horses / Chevaux
Italy Lamezia / Italie Lamezia
Landscape and Architecture / Paysages et Architecture
July 14th - 14 juillet
Circus / Cirque
Spectacle / Spectacle
Tuto and test / Tuto et test
Various / Divers
CoVid19 Virus