♛ WȺɍɍɨøɍ Ǥøđđɇss ♛: Me, the wife, the brother and the sister in law <3
♛ WȺɍɍɨøɍ Ǥøđđɇss ♛: Me, the wife, the brother and the sister in law <3
♛ WȺɍɍɨøɍ Ǥøđđɇss ♛: Me, the wife, the brother and the sister in law <3
♛ WȺɍɍɨøɍ Ǥøđđɇss ♛: The wifey with her old boss
♛ WȺɍɍɨøɍ Ǥøđđɇss ♛: I will always protect my peace.
♛ WȺɍɍɨøɍ Ǥøđđɇss ♛: Smexeh dancing after dinner
♛ WȺɍɍɨøɍ Ǥøđđɇss ♛: Smexeh dancing after dinner
♛ WȺɍɍɨøɍ Ǥøđđɇss ♛: Last night... A romantic dinner
♛ WȺɍɍɨøɍ Ǥøđđɇss ♛: Last night... A romantic dinner
♛ WȺɍɍɨøɍ Ǥøđđɇss ♛: Kayaking again, nice way to see the Island
♛ WȺɍɍɨøɍ Ǥøđđɇss ♛: Kayaking again, nice way to see the Island
♛ WȺɍɍɨøɍ Ǥøđđɇss ♛: Kayaking again, nice way to see the Island
♛ WȺɍɍɨøɍ Ǥøđđɇss ♛: Kayaking again, nice way to see the Island
♛ WȺɍɍɨøɍ Ǥøđđɇss ♛: Kayaking again, nice way to see the Island
♛ WȺɍɍɨøɍ Ǥøđđɇss ♛: Kayaking again, nice way to see the Island
♛ WȺɍɍɨøɍ Ǥøđđɇss ♛: Kayaking again, nice way to see the Island
♛ WȺɍɍɨøɍ Ǥøđđɇss ♛: Soccer on the Bali beach
♛ WȺɍɍɨøɍ Ǥøđđɇss ♛: Soccer on the Bali beach
♛ WȺɍɍɨøɍ Ǥøđđɇss ♛: Soccer on the Bali beach
♛ WȺɍɍɨøɍ Ǥøđđɇss ♛: Soccer on the Bali beach
♛ WȺɍɍɨøɍ Ǥøđđɇss ♛: Soccer on the Bali beach