Ron Buening: Big Hops
DL_Dietz: Mourning Dove (2024-02-03 #31)
DL_Dietz: Female Downy Woodpecker (2023-03-08 #42)
andrey.salikov: жж _DSC1018
Barry & Carole Bowden: Spotted Flycatcher Juvenile (Carole's)
DL_Dietz: Tufted Titmouse (2023-09-08 #37)
VitorJK: Perícia de Pombal 2019 - N4590
Steve Barowik: Night Sparkle and Oisin Murphy
blavandmaster: Floral sea
Bernard Fabbro: martinet à ventre blanc / Tachymarptis melba 22E_4695
Bernard Fabbro: faucon crécerelle / Falco tinnunculus 22E_4685
Gilbert de Bruijn: Open up for the day
DL_Dietz: White-Tailed Deer #5 - 2022-02-26
DL_Dietz: Black-Capped Chickadee #12 - 2020-11-07
DL_Dietz: Downy Woodpecker - 2021-12-12
Gilbert de Bruijn: Found them
DL_Dietz: Tufted Titmouse (2022-02-26 #4).
Miss-Louly (Thanks for the 2,4 millions views): Une oie d'Egypte à son poste d'observation ;-)... (à voir en grand)
Bernard Fabbro: grande aigrette / Ardea alba 22E_3243
DL_Dietz: Black-Capped Chickadee #1 - 2022-02-26.
Verde River: E5AEDF3A-5F94-4D8E-A3E3-34AC9938D8E0
Ron Buening: Curious Titmouse
Ron Buening: Osprey Hunting
DL_Dietz: Black-Capped Chickadee #5 - 2021-12-12.
Jutta Achrainer: Familie (Explored)
Peterpixel: Siberian Eagle Owl
kevinmayhew62: Hobby_2760
Bernard Fabbro: martin-pêcheur ♂ / Alcedo atthis 22D_8514
Pierluigi-B.: Namibia - Etosha NP - Elephant
lynnespo181: The breath of blossoms