bluebellhawkeye: Urubu à tête rouge / Turkey Vulture
bluebellhawkeye: Paruline jaune - Yellow Warbler (EXPLORE)
bluebellhawkeye: Piranga écarlate - Scarlet Tanager (Orange)
bluebellhawkeye: Jaseur Boréal - Bohemian Waxwing (EXPLORE)
bluebellhawkeye: Renard roux / Red Fox 👽
bluebellhawkeye: Pleine lune - Full Moon (EXPLORE)
bluebellhawkeye: Solitaire de Townsend - Townsend's Solitaire (Lifer) (EXPLORE)
bluebellhawkeye: Solitaire de Townsend - Townsend's Solitaire (Lifer)
bluebellhawkeye: Gallinule poule d'eau - Common Moorhen
bluebellhawkeye: Harle couronné - Hooded Merganser
bluebellhawkeye: Crying Moon and a Dying World
bluebellhawkeye: The World is Dying, We need LOVE
bluebellhawkeye: Harle couronné -Hooded Merganser (EXPLORE)
bluebellhawkeye: Piranga écarlate - Scarlet Tanager (EXPLORE)
bluebellhawkeye: Troglodyte des forêts - Winter Wren
bluebellhawkeye: Bruant chanteur - Song Sparrow
bluebellhawkeye: Paruline Tigrée - Cape May Warbler
bluebellhawkeye: 1 - Paruline à gorge noire - Black-Throated Green Warbler
bluebellhawkeye: Colibri à gorge rubis - Ruby-throated Hummingbird
bluebellhawkeye: Paruline Tigrée - Cape May Warbler (EXPLORE)
bluebellhawkeye: Chardonneret jaune - American Goldfinch (EXPLORE)
bluebellhawkeye: Bernache Cravant-Brant and Bernache du Canada - Canada Goose (EXPLORE)
bluebellhawkeye: Pygargue à tête Blanche-Bald Eagle (pursued) (EXPLORE)
bluebellhawkeye: Paruline à tête cendrée -Magnolia Warbler
bluebellhawkeye: Paruline à gorge noire - Black-Throated Green Warbler
bluebellhawkeye: Paruline Tigrée - Cape May Warbler
bluebellhawkeye: Urubu à tête rouge / Turkey Vulture
bluebellhawkeye: Paruline à Collier-Northern Parula
bluebellhawkeye: Épervier de Cooper/ Cooper's Hawk