fikqriey_94: YDXJ1784
fikqriey_94: YDXJ1783
fikqriey_94: Sandakan Harbour Square, East Sabah
fikqriey_94: _DSC9910
fikqriey_94: Dataran Bengkoka, Pitas,
fikqriey_94: Kuching Waterfront
fikqriey_94: Shophouses In The Middle Of The City
fikqriey_94: Jambatan Gantung
fikqriey_94: _DSC9902
fikqriey_94: Have you ever been to Sarawak? Not yet? Then what you're waiting for? :D
fikqriey_94: Kota Kinabalu International Airport (KKIA)
fikqriey_94: The Tip of Borneo
fikqriey_94: Gunung Santubong
fikqriey_94: Kuching Waterfront
fikqriey_94: Meow..
fikqriey_94: 11659261_847400801981088_877558679621149485_n
fikqriey_94: Hong San Chinese Buddhist Temple
fikqriey_94: Berhala Island, Sandakan
fikqriey_94: The Majestic Sarawak State Legislative Assembly Building
fikqriey_94: HDR-ish
fikqriey_94: DSC03616
fikqriey_94: _DSC9335
fikqriey_94: _DSC9969
fikqriey_94: Nostalgic.
fikqriey_94: Kuching Waterfront.
fikqriey_94: Sabah, Land Below The Wind.
fikqriey_94: A photo with thousands of stories.
fikqriey_94: Tanjung Simpang Mengayau Beach, Kudat
fikqriey_94: Fly high above the clouds