ruthpphoto: Northern Harrier
ruthpphoto: Yellow-crowned Night-Heron
ruthpphoto: Forster's Tern
ruthpphoto: American Coot
ruthpphoto: Great Blue Heron Chase Anhinga
ruthpphoto: Forster's Tern
ruthpphoto: Virginia Rail
ruthpphoto: Otter
ruthpphoto: Bald Eagle
ruthpphoto: Indigo Buntings
Short Wavelength: Great Blue Heron-PWS-8698
Short Wavelength: Northern Harrier-PWS-7697
ruthpphoto: Blue-winged Warbler
ruthpphoto: Blue-winged Warbler
ruthpphoto: Bald Eagle With Stick
ruthpphoto: Raccoon Family
ruthpphoto: Western Kingbirds
ruthpphoto: Bald Eagle
ruthpphoto: Northern Pintail
ruthpphoto: Northern Pintail
ruthpphoto: Purple Gallinule Juvie
ruthpphoto: Bald Eagle
ruthpphoto: Ruby-throated Hummingbird Male
ruthpphoto: Otter
ruthpphoto: Yellow-bellied Flycatcher
ruthpphoto: Virginia Rail
ruthpphoto: Bananaquit
ruthpphoto: Gopher Tortoise
ruthpphoto: Great Blue Heron With Snake
ruthpphoto: American Redstart