doppi4punt4: Metaphor of Life.jpg
potosi6088m: guckst du - back at work, it's Monday
Bousure: Podore Belvedere
Symphony of Decay: Prophétie Décomposée
Decentra: the path.
Awake at Night: In Need of Saving
A N T O N Y M E S: H I R U N D I N I D A E
ObsidianUrbex: Villa C, Italy
Knee Bee: domenica a casa
. ruinenstaat: . the door to nowhere
Knee Bee: lunedi blu
david_drei: Switch on
. ruinenstaat: . look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better
potosi6088m: the next please - or - bathing day is on Friday
. ruinenstaat: . sitting in an empty room, trying to forget the past
urban expl: Garden pool
Rolf Boot: IMG_0144_5_6_7_8_9_Enhancer
Jonnie Lynn Lace: Villa Lucini Dégats des autres
Raffaele Preti: Abbiate fede, dicevano...
trip_mode: Decommissioned navy ships
Jonnie Lynn Lace: La Scala di Vetro le lycée vert
Mat Travers: Open air symphony
Mat Travers: Open air symphony
Mat Travers: Open air symphony