JEBarrera: Nuthatch :-)
ianperkins11: PULPIT ROCK, PORTLAND BILL, DORSET (Explore #2)
ianperkins11: HALNAKER TUNNEL OF TREES. (Explore #3)
1D110: DSC_0183.jpg
1D110: DSC_1737.jpg
1D110: La Billaude
1D110: sous bois
Max.Lucotti: Lighting
Slow Ride Photography: Pileated Woodpecker
acadia_breeze4130: Red-breasted Nuthatch (Sitta canadensis)
ReiK@n: Squirrel on a spruce branch
verchmarco: Pilze, Zwiebeln und Chili in einer Pfanne werden angebraten
dim.pagiantzas | photography: morning fishing in the lake
Dhina A: Autumn Series - 17
RuiFAFerreira: Soulful house XXV
RuiFAFerreira: The man who kept the news
odinvadim: Autumn evening in Borovsk.
Bast - Art: Hier mal wieder eine Lichtspielerei
RuiFAFerreira: Sitting, Waiting, Wishing
RuiFAFerreira: Those who are left behind
RuiFAFerreira: “Melancholy is the happiness of being sad” - Victor Hugo