jeffgrindley702: pattern_texture_5
jeffgrindley702: pattern_texture_4
jeffgrindley702: pattern_texture_2
jeffgrindley702: contrast_5
jeffgrindley702: broken_2_color
jeffgrindley702: broken_1
jeffgrindley702: IMG_2510
jeffgrindley702: IMG_2483
jeffgrindley702: IMG_2424
jeffgrindley702: IMG_2240
jeffgrindley702: IMG_2060
jeffgrindley702: Cold Summer
jeffgrindley702: Self Portrait?
jeffgrindley702: cold feet
jeffgrindley702: Nothing's Free
jeffgrindley702: Low Key #3 January 2018
jeffgrindley702: TTL of my Kodak Duaflex 2. It's the little thrift find that got me into film! I just do a little modification to 120 and it works like a charm!
jeffgrindley702: Out in Calico ghost town.....
jeffgrindley702: Land 103 failed me (or user error?!) so i snapped this with the old telephone
jeffgrindley702: My Minolta Xg1 =)