Son_of_Thor: Bluetit bushes
Son_of_Thor: Robin singing for its supper
Son_of_Thor: Robin branch 2
Son_of_Thor: Robin barbed wire
Son_of_Thor: Great tit branch
Son_of_Thor: Damselflies copulating
Son_of_Thor: Waterlily
Son_of_Thor: Four-spotted chaser (dragonfly)
Son_of_Thor: Keeled skimmer hanging on2
Son_of_Thor: Keeled skimmer hanging on
Son_of_Thor: Keeled skimmer female
Son_of_Thor: White butterfly
Son_of_Thor: Small heath butterfly
Son_of_Thor: Cormorant perched
Son_of_Thor: Wren hide and seek
Son_of_Thor: Juvenile Robin
Son_of_Thor: Small Heath butterfly 2
Son_of_Thor: Robin on a stick
Son_of_Thor: Great Crested Grebe at the Brickcroft
Son_of_Thor: Comma butterfly
Son_of_Thor: Four-spotted chaser on a twig
Son_of_Thor: Hoverfly
Son_of_Thor: Juvenile Robin?
Son_of_Thor: Six-spot Burnett (moth)