Son_of_Thor: Autumn colour at the bottom end of Derwent Water
Son_of_Thor: MyFlickrYear24 Photo
Son_of_Thor: Buttermere lone tree
Son_of_Thor: Lady Aurora over Blea Tarn
Son_of_Thor: Towards the Langdales
Son_of_Thor: Misty morning along the River Brathay
Son_of_Thor: A sudden outbreak of rainbows
Son_of_Thor: Wyming Brook
Son_of_Thor: Bamford Edge at sunset
Son_of_Thor: The Famous Grouse
Son_of_Thor: Slightly scruffy Brown Argus
Son_of_Thor: Hover meets a grisly end
Son_of_Thor: Female Brimstone
Son_of_Thor: Unknown Blue butterfly
Son_of_Thor: Painted Lady on Privet
Son_of_Thor: Forester Moth
Son_of_Thor: Farsh Frit from above
Son_of_Thor: Emerald Damselfly
Son_of_Thor: Broad-bodied Chaser
Son_of_Thor: Another Blue
Son_of_Thor: Scarce Swallowtail nectaring on Privet
Son_of_Thor: Red Kite at Cliveden NT in the rain
Son_of_Thor: Olive Skipper on Ox-eye Daisy
Son_of_Thor: Marsh fritillary on Plantain
Son_of_Thor: Chiffchaff? with food for a hungry brood
Son_of_Thor: Aurora overhead in Southport
Son_of_Thor: Male Orange Tip resting on Cow Parsley
Son_of_Thor: Sparrowhawk with Ratty supper
Son_of_Thor: Hover making its final approach
Son_of_Thor: The beginnings of Storm Kathleen at Porthleven