JEO126: Dark-eyed junco
Chuck Hantis: Grey Ghost
christensenbruce320: King Eider grabs a bite to eat Staten Island, New York
christensenbruce320: Godwit-SharpenAI-focus
waselijah: Red-shouldered Hawk
Chuck Hantis: Painted Bunting
Bradley Hamel: A black vulture ready for lift off.
Chuck Hantis: Beautiful Day
Shayna Marchese: Aurora borealis
Adam Turow: Little brown bat or Little Brown Myotis (endangered species)
christensenbruce320: Golden Plover Sandy Hook, N.J.
Chuck Hantis: American Black Duck Brown rat
QuantDracula: Marbled Godwit
Thor Hakonsen: Cyrtodactylus petchaburensis
Shannon Rose O'Shea: Wild Bull Elk
Tj & Jo: Mourning Warbler (J)
markbrucker: Number two of the American lady butterfly.
markbrucker: Green and yellow, pure green sweat bee on goldenrod.
Gregs eBirds: Lark Sparrow
Gregs eBirds: Savannah Sparrow
christensenbruce320: AF8A1545-SharpenAI-focus
JEO126: Ruby-throated hummingbird
Osirisba2112: 2023-11-27_04-12-02
Osirisba2112: 2023-11-27_04-12-34
Osirisba2112: 2024_0801_09381000
Gregs eBirds: Question Mark - Polygonia interrogationis
KHR Images: Pine Marten
Mathew Malwitz: Aurora Borealis over the Adirondacks
nikomelos: American Rubyspot