fhopper14: Ca Quail copy
fhopper14: Sans Hil rane
fhopper14: Sand hil crane
fhopper14: Out of the dark
fhopper14: Lomg billed dowitcher
fhopper14: pintail
fhopper14: Crepe myrtle
fhopper14: African iris
fhopper14: dowitcher
fhopper14: resting stiltsMR1017
fhopper14: curlew 2021
fhopper14: wf ibis preening
fhopper14: osprey and trout
fhopper14: crepe mytrtle
fhopper14: pansy 2019
fhopper14: A macro image od a moth orchid
fhopper14: miniture red rose
fhopper14: coyote
fhopper14: Tundra Swans
fhopper14: American Avocet
fhopper14: White crowned sparrow
fhopper14: Male bufflehead
fhopper14: Male ruddy duck
fhopper14: whitefronted goose 2019 copy
fhopper14: Black Phoebe
fhopper14: Great Blue Heron
fhopper14: Pied Billed Grebe
fhopper14: Juvenile Ferruginous Hawk
fhopper14: RossGeese Preparing to land
fhopper14: Tundra Swans