Picture-Perfect Pixels: Hammertime...Woody on wood. pic #2
Picture-Perfect Pixels: Hammertime...Woody on wood. Pic #1
Picture-Perfect Pixels: Flickr’s Flicker Part 1 - Sleeping Beauty
Picture-Perfect Pixels: It's mine, all mine! (Male Downy woodpecker, Picoides pubescens)
Picture-Perfect Pixels: Woody on wood.
Picture-Perfect Pixels: Flickr’s Flicker Part 2 - the Awakening
Picture-Perfect Pixels: Just hanging around!
Picture-Perfect Pixels: Woody endeavours in camouflage.
Picture-Perfect Pixels: Dreamy Downy.
Picture-Perfect Pixels: Looking up...dreamy Downy woodpecker.
Picture-Perfect Pixels: Downy looking down
Picture-Perfect Pixels: A flicker of a Flicker.
Picture-Perfect Pixels: Woody on wood #1
Picture-Perfect Pixels: Woody on wood #2
Picture-Perfect Pixels: The Downy on Garry oak.
Picture-Perfect Pixels: A flicker in time...the Red-shafted Northern Flicker (male) #1.
Picture-Perfect Pixels: A flicker in time...the Red-shafted Northern Flicker (male) #2
Picture-Perfect Pixels: Rainy days in February featuring...the pileated woodpecker!
Picture-Perfect Pixels: Drama in the backyard...featuring the pileated woodpecker.
Picture-Perfect Pixels: Drama in the backyard...the pileated woodpecker on Douglas Fir tree
Picture-Perfect Pixels: Backyard tales...featuring the female downy woodpecker.#1
Picture-Perfect Pixels: Backyard tales...a flicker in time starring the Northern Flicker #1
Picture-Perfect Pixels: Backyard tales...a flicker in time starring the Northern Flicker #2.
Picture-Perfect Pixels: Backyard tales...downy woodpecker (male) on Oak.
Picture-Perfect Pixels: Backyard tales...a flicker of a flicker.
Picture-Perfect Pixels: Backyard tales...the fleeting Northern Flicker #1
Picture-Perfect Pixels: Backyard tales...the fleeting Northern Flicker #2.
Picture-Perfect Pixels: Backyard tales...woody on wood.#1
Picture-Perfect Pixels: Backyard tales...woody on wood. #2