paolacincotti: DSC_6831.12r
Elisafox22 off and on a bit!: Is it really summer?
Rini.vH: Nationale tulpendag / national tupen day
memoryweaver: Snowdrops — Whispers of Spring.
René Ouderling: done writing
Studio d'Xavier: Twine Box Alien
thononphotography: la pendule aux pivoines
Helmut Hess: Kuschel-Birnen
-Brian Blair-: Seaman's Vin
luislabeaga: Bodegón con moras
vgv2009: With melon and apples
joe_bosak: Still life with cabbage and shallots
Ro Cafe: My Bracelet
ray_friedman: “Ticking away the moments that make up a dull day...” Explored 1/15/25
~LiliAnn~: Still life and a cat
MichelleNewportPhotography: Farm Reflections
paolacincotti: DSC_6720.12r
paolacincotti: Calasetta
Momentos-Fotograficos: Obst und Gemüse
Studio d'Xavier: “I am not what happened to me, I am what I choose to become.” — C.G. Jung
Studio d'Xavier: Examination No. 4
Cindy's Here: Fruit or Wine?