Lens and Shutter: Souvenir shops in Mostar, Bosnia-Herzegovina.
Lens and Shutter: Pizza, an Italian culinary heritage.
Lens and Shutter: At the city center of Timisoara, Romania.
陳炯垣: IMG_3670M Dance
narrow shop: 1/3 2020.
Lens and Shutter: Real wondrous beauty of tropical islands.
Lens and Shutter: Giant religious iconic structure at a tropical island.
narrow shop: Flatruet 3.
narrow shop: Röros Norge 2016.
narrow shop: Vinter Ljusne Hälsingland.
narrow shop: Vinter i Roslagen.
陳炯垣: IMG_7110M 一鼓作氣
tung g: N G Ọ C K H U Y Ê N
narrow shop: Gimo 3/2 2019.
koen_jacobs: Ceci n'est pas une photo
陳炯垣: IMG_7473M 威勁舞龍舞獅戰鼓團
陳炯垣: IMG_2082M 臺中市豐原區 慈濟宮 百年宮廟風華
koen_jacobs: ___j______
koen_jacobs: These days
陳炯垣: Hibiscus, 扶桑花 Hibiscus
Lens and Shutter: Glass plates in city center of Cluj-Napoca in Romania. Provides reflection effect.
陳炯垣: IMG_0471M 2016逍遙音樂町 后里場
koen_jacobs: Sunday afternoon
Lens and Shutter: An evening shot in the city center of Oradea. Romania.
havans: Tree hugging
陳炯垣: IMG_5860M Samba dnacer
Lens and Shutter: Shot on a train station. A part of the Vienna Woods which is designated as UNESCO Biosphere Reserve area.
koen_jacobs: About a girl
陳炯垣: IMG_4688HDR 迫力
koen_jacobs: Brussels Central Station