clarke666: On the slab
clarke666: On the slab
clarke666: On the slab
clarke666: Hit the spot....
clarke666: Awake now
clarke666: Sooooo sleepy
clarke666: The look
clarke666: True love
clarke666: Will it now.........
clarke666: Crossed
clarke666: Darkness
clarke666: Cosy
clarke666: I see you
clarke666: A case in point
clarke666: Come here
clarke666: Sound asleep in a galaxy far far away
clarke666: Relaxed
clarke666: That tongue !
clarke666: By popular demand......
clarke666: Ahead
clarke666: Appear
clarke666: Awake
clarke666: Underhand.
clarke666: Grasp the root
clarke666: Crossed.
clarke666: Breakout
clarke666: Obscure 2.0
clarke666: Ravages of time
clarke666: Obscure
clarke666: Enlightenment