donnieking1811: My! My! How Fred and Wilma have changed
donnieking1811: Turn out the lights, the party's over
donnieking1811: If you've got'em...Light'em
donnieking1811: I'm watching you
donnieking1811: Duh, hey Fred...How do you like me now?
donnieking1811: Welcome to Chinatown
donnieking1811: Just grab it and let's go.
donnieking1811: Henri, Henri
donnieking1811: Do I want the red one or the blue one?
donnieking1811: Skateboarding to Rio
donnieking1811: Basilique Notre-Dame de Montreal
donnieking1811: Basilique Notre-Dame de Montreal #2
donnieking1811: Basilique Notre-Dame de Montreal #3
donnieking1811: Alone on the sidewalk at 6:00AM. There has to be a story here somewhere.
donnieking1811: Notre-Dame Basilica
donnieking1811: Bank of Montreal with the statue of Masionneuve the founder of Montreal
donnieking1811: L'Hotel (Vertical)
donnieking1811: L'Hotel (Horizontal)
donnieking1811: What the world needs now.
donnieking1811: Awnings on the L'Hotel
donnieking1811: Statue in front of L'Hotel
donnieking1811: Take your pick and go for a ride
donnieking1811: Flowers at a Montreal corner shop
donnieking1811: Commercial Union Assurance Company
donnieking1811: Art display in L'Hotel lobby
donnieking1811: Statue of Masionneuve founder of Montreal
donnieking1811: Centre d'Historie de Montreal
donnieking1811: Place Jacques Cartier