Detroitika - Tanner Jon A.: Brickwarriors Mass Effect Weapons
RobotCommando: M35 MAKO
Benny Brickster: Normandy SR2
ktorrek: sr2_02
Umm, Who?: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows 30 – Harry vs. Voldemort
LEGO 7: Sea monster attack-1
Legopard: Monstrum Maris
Benny Brickster: Harbinger
Tim Schwalfenberg: The Last of Us
Legopard: GoT - Winterfell
Legopard: GoT - The Twins
Legopard: GoT - Castle Black
Legopard: GoT - King's Landing
Cesbrick: BlueWater Castle
- Derfel Cadarn -: 'Where The Wild Things Are...'
Legonardo Davidy: Rhosgobel (Radagasts house)
Bippity Bricks: Rivendell
Bippity Bricks: Hogwarts
W. Navarre: Syrius
Grant Davis.: Battle of Helms Deep