Giulio Magnifico: Old memories
JCatterson: Crosswalk
Giulio Magnifico: Summarizing the frasca in one image
JCatterson: Brooklyn Bridge 02
Giulio Magnifico: "Osterie Friulane 2106" my new reportage is online
JCatterson: Columbus Park 02
JCatterson: Cinemascope
JCatterson: You are Loved
JCatterson: Subway Stand
JCatterson: New York Ladder
Giulio Magnifico: Homeless power
Thomas Heaton: Standing Out
Thomas Heaton: Bridalveil Wildfire | Yosemite
Mustafa Karaoglu: For whom the sun rises / sets
Mustafa Karaoglu: Recession : No customer, no work, no money. So, let's have a photo & some fun.
Mustafa Karaoglu: An apprentice to "life" - away from homeland
Thomas Heaton: Mountain Light
Mustafa Karaoglu: Tyre repair
Mustafa Karaoglu: Tyre puncture repair shop - "tyre repairer"
Mustafa Karaoglu: Mend - Another POV