charles_mangin: G4 IIc system, complete
I'm a Jedi Warrior: Part of my current setup (I haven't done one of these in a while!) Photo taken with my iPhone 4S.
Xavi Calvo: Macintosh Vintage
mczolton: Apple IIgs
Ben Hamilton (Ben Gertzfield): Seth at the Apple IIgs
TheNixer: The Last Crusade
TheNixer: New Macintosh Plus
Andrew Bird's Production Blog ©2010: Charlotte Steer (Dancer)
TheNixer: Apple //c and Macintosh Plus
matthewpb: Woz Approves My Hackintosh
WonderRob™: Nerd Alert!
Mobilus In Mobili: Atari ST Heaven 1989
gamerscoreblog: Rihanna "Game With Fame" on Xbox Live
fernando780: Perfect Thing: MacBook Pro + iPhone + Time Capsule + iPod Shuffle