FWRav: Glorious Geese
FWRav: Not quite what I had in mind ...
FWRav: Little Peconic Bay Sunset, ICM
FWRav: Little Peconic Bay Shoreline, ICM (Explore 12/16/23)
FWRav: Artiste
FWRav: Wetland Conductor
FWRav: Copper wire 2 ICM
FWRav: Short Bay, Sag Harbor, NY - ICM
FWRav: Green Heron in flight
FWRav: Sandpiper
FWRav: Battle for a perch
FWRav: Copper 1 - ICM (Explore 9/5/2023)
FWRav: Zebra grass 2 - ICM
FWRav: Zebra grass 1 - ICM
FWRav: Plant stem ICM (Explore 6/27/23)
FWRav: Northern rough-winged swallows
FWRav: Barn swallow with a mayfly meal
FWRav: Oooo La La!
FWRav: Cock-of-the-rock (Explore 4/26/23)
FWRav: Bufflehead on the run
FWRav: Winter stonefly
FWRav: Chinese mantid
FWRav: Walnut in the "round" (Explore 2/28/23)
FWRav: Tailless whip scorpion, Amblypygi
FWRav: American beech (Explore 2/3/2023)
FWRav: Thasus neocalifornicus, Coreidae
FWRav: "Because I can!"
FWRav: Northern flicker portrait
FWRav: Eastern pond hawk, Erythemis simplicicollis
FWRav: Wheel bug nymph, Arilus cristatus