elleurliryc: 2019-03-08_06-43-37
elleurliryc: 20190302_163049
elleurliryc: 2019-03-02_05-50-01
elleurliryc: 2019-03-02_05-39-23
elleurliryc: not sure if finished .. but i need to share
elleurliryc: 20190204_142335
elleurliryc: somewhat that ocean's too pinkish+reddish, but haven't been convinced so far of how to fix this
elleurliryc: "THE BUTCHER"
elleurliryc: John Frederick Kensett,marine view of Beacon Rock 1864
elleurliryc: John Singer Sargent : In the Alps (1911)
elleurliryc: Pieter Coecke Van Aelst (1502 1550) Triptych Altarpiece: The Nativity, The Adoration of Kings, and the Presentation Oil on panel , chosen views.
elleurliryc: Pieter Coecke Van Aelst 1502 1550 Triptych Altarpiece:The Nativity, The Adoration of Kings, and the Presentation Oil on panel , chosen views.
elleurliryc: 20190122_113924
elleurliryc: Peter Paul Rubens: "The Lamentation of Christ"
elleurliryc: 20190122_115724
elleurliryc: 20190122_120351
elleurliryc: Jean Baptiste Camille Corot
elleurliryc: Edward Darch Lewis Mount Washington New Hampshire 1865(detail)
elleurliryc: Edward Darch Lewis. Mount Washington ,New Hampshire 1865(Detail)
elleurliryc: 20190122_120825