photocbphoto: coyote0711
photocbphoto: mothbw
photocbphoto: warycbphoto
photocbphoto: silent
photocbphoto: participant observer cb
photocbphoto: hidden cb
photocbphoto: winter wetland
photocbphoto: senior advisor
photocbphoto: winner!
photocbphoto: cbribbons
photocbphoto: readysetgo
photocbphoto: resting goat
photocbphoto: cbthenoseknows
photocbphoto: fullmoonforest
photocbphoto: the river moves on
photocbphoto: troy jail
photocbphoto: OSO mudslide memorial 2
photocbphoto: wounded tree in winter
photocbphoto: seedling and stone in slash heap
photocbphoto: cbphotocedar
photocbphoto: bobcatcbphoto
photocbphoto: watchercbphoto
photocbphoto: the best sort of company
photocbphoto: at the dimming of the day
photocbphoto: the mist and the mountain
photocbphoto: observer observed II
photocbphoto: waiting ...
photocbphoto: observer observed
photocbphoto: day breaks through the clouds
photocbphoto: just us two on the road tonight