dankirk22: King rail
dankirk22: King rail
dankirk22: Sharp tailed grouse
dankirk22: Greater prairie chicken
dankirk22: Swainson's hawk
dankirk22: Boreal chickadee
dankirk22: Osprey
dankirk22: Florida scrub jay
dankirk22: Raven
dankirk22: Yellow crowned night heron
dankirk22: Burrowing owls
dankirk22: Snowy plover
dankirk22: Piliated woodpecker
dankirk22: Barn owl
dankirk22: Ruby throated hummingbird
dankirk22: Green heron
dankirk22: Sanderling
dankirk22: Roseate spoonbill
dankirk22: Wood storks
dankirk22: Tri colored heron
dankirk22: Royal terns
dankirk22: Marbled godwit
dankirk22: Snow geese
dankirk22: Great grey owl
dankirk22: Great grey owl
dankirk22: Saw Whet owl with mouse
dankirk22: Saw Whet owl with mouse
dankirk22: Long billed dowitcher
dankirk22: Short eared owl
dankirk22: Norther harrier stealing prey from a short eared owl in flight