dankirk22: Bufflehead
dankirk22: Ruby throated hummingbird
dankirk22: White breasted nuthatch. Trying out the new R1, performed nearly flawlessly. Shot with rf600 f/4 and a 2X teleconverter at 10,000 ISO in shade with -3 fill flash. Noise was hardly discernible
dankirk22: Northern pintail
dankirk22: Eastern towhee
dankirk22: Black duck
dankirk22: Yellow breasted chat
dankirk22: Solitary sandpiper
dankirk22: Ruby throated hummingbird
dankirk22: Indigo bunting
dankirk22: Eastern towhee
dankirk22: Pied billed grebe almost choking on a fish
dankirk22: Hooded merganser
dankirk22: Blue winged teal
dankirk22: Red breasted merganser
dankirk22: American widgeon
dankirk22: Bufflehead
dankirk22: Long tailed duck
dankirk22: Lapland longspur
dankirk22: Northern mockingbird
dankirk22: Winter snow bunting
dankirk22: Northern shrike
dankirk22: Short eared owl at sunrise
dankirk22: Black bellied plover in flight above water like glass
dankirk22: Black bellied plover
dankirk22: Backlit Caspian tern
dankirk22: Buff breasted sandpiper
dankirk22: Ruddy duck feeding extremely close
dankirk22: Sedge wren singing on Liatris
dankirk22: Peregrine falcon