davide.otta99: Il vertice della catena alimentare
chmptr: Chamois
J.Hunter Photography: Sea Otter Pup
J.Hunter Photography: Long-tailed Duck
stephane vilmin: Toilettage !
Luigi Remonti: Alpine chamois
J.Hunter Photography: Great Gray Owl
J.Hunter Photography: Rufous Hummingbird
Maxime Serres: Faucon crécerelle
J.Hunter Photography: Trumpeter Swan
yves.borel: buse glacée
In punta di piedi...di Troise Carmine - Washi: the spirit of the Mountain echoes in you...
wild prairie man: 2411_0798 It's All About the Light
In punta di piedi...di Troise Carmine - Washi: Wild conversation territoriality...
wild prairie man: 1110_0399 Coyote - Redux
immersion-nature2: chevreuils
JimDel Photographies: apparition dans la brume
Nico Periaut: Couleuvre de Montpellier
Nico Periaut: Renard roux
T@hir'S Photography: Kashmir gray langur
Oeil Sauvage: Faucon hobereau en pleine chasse !
Maxime Serres: Pari gagnant
Fabien Baziz: Martin-pêcheur d'Europe Alcedo atthis - Common Kingfisher